Having started Redis-Server, we can now get the code running. finish () return response if _name_ = '_main_' : main () Running the code

add_annotation ( 'Cache miss', store = 'redis', client = 'redis-py' ) print ( 'Cache miss! Now processing and memoizing it to make for a cache hit later' ) # Now process the result and memoize it.

delete ( query ) else : # Cache miss span. add_annotation ( 'Cache hit', store = 'redis', client = 'redis-py' ) print ( 'Cache hit! Now deleting it to make for a cache miss later' ) # Clear the response so that the next search will return a cache-miss. Install system packages: pacman -S unzip python python-pip redis yarn mariadb python. get ( query ) if response is not None : # Cache hit span. iot networking webrtc dtls mitm python3 man-in-the-middle mitm-attacks. add_annotation ( 'Searching', query = query ) # Check Redis if we've already memoized the response. OcRedis ( host = 'localhost', port = 6379, db = 10 ) tracer_init_args = create_opencensus_exporters_and_tracer () while True : try : query = raw_input ( '$ ' ) response = do_search ( r, query, ** tracer_init_args ) print ( '> ' + response + ' \n ' ) except Exception as e : print ( 'Caught exception %s ' % ( e )) except KeyboardInterrupt as e : print ( 'Bye' ) return def do_search ( client, query, ** tracer_init_kwargs ): tracer = Tracer ( ** tracer_init_kwargs ) with tracer.
Zip the keys and values and write it line by line to a file. Partition the list of keys into lists of 10.000 items. Our script will do the following: Get all the keys that match te query. AlwaysOnSampler ()) return tracer_init_args def main (): r = ocredis. First, we need to install the Python Redis client: pip install redis. AsyncTransport ) tracer_init_args = dict ( exporter = zexp, # Always sampling for demo purposes. Install redis-py at the command prompt if you havent yet: pip. The error youre getting indicates that the redis-py package (e.g. The redis-py package is the recommended client for Redis when using Python. zexp = ZipkinExporter ( service_name = 'pysearch', transport = async_. Once the cluster is up, you can connect to it from your code. register_views () # Create the exporter that'll upload our traces to Zipkin. Let's start by looking at how you install redis-py using pip: pip install redis-py Alternatively, if you're using easyinstall, the installation command. register_exporter ( pexp ) # Register the defined ocredis views. To do this, I recommend amending your base.in file from. Options ( namespace = 'ocredispy', port = 8000 )) view_manager. You will also need to install the Python Redis client to allow you to interact with Redis via Python. #!/usr/bin/env python import ocredis from import Tracer from _exporter import ZipkinExporter from import always_on from import async_ from opencensus.stats import stats from import prometheus_exporter as prometheus def create_opencensus_exporters_and_tracer (): # Create the Prometheus metrics exporter.